Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy Presidents day... and stuff

Happy Birthday Jen!
Happy post-valentines, president's, 3-day weekend to everyone :) I'm still getting adjusted to not snowboarding this weekend, like Dave and I have done for almost 10 years straight celebrating Jen Stein's B-day. [Happy Birthday Jen!] Other exciting news, Chris & Cookie should be welcoming their baby any minute now, so congrats to them too.

On to business...At this point, all your rooms should be booked, and if you haven't gotten airfare, now's the time.  [We always suggest] If you're all set with both items, please send your itineraries to Elaine, so she can book all the ground transportation for you.  PS--Anyone interested in a pre-wedding excursion to Chitzen-Itza should contact my aunt Jeanne, who is currently putting together her own group package overnight in the jungle.  (She'll let you know dates & costs.)

What's your plan?
One more detail for anyone not staying at Dreams,  since the hotel is all-inclusive there will be day-pass fees for coming on the property and enjoying all the fabulous amenities. I'm waiting to find out what those are from the hotel, but please keep that in mind as you budget and think about how many days you'll want to come on the property. i.e. wedding only, for the whole day of the wedding, etc since the prices differ and are per person.  More details to follow...

***UPDATE, there will be no charge to anyone coming to the resort for the wedding only. However if you would like to arrive at morning to use the locations the cost is $80 usd per person. Make sure to plan accordingly. :) 

We're also working on setting up a Santa Barbara reception for friends and family who cannot make it to Mexico, or who just can't get enough.  So far we're holding Friday night, June 3... again, more details to follow as they come together!

Well, let's all celebrate the presidents by sleeping late and watching lots of tv.  If you have any Q's about anything mentioned here, send 'em my way.

Viva-- Ang